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Healing Unlimited
Healing Unlimited 5240 SW Badger Road, Terrebonne, OR 97760
Phone/Fax: (208) 255 2407 | Toll-free: (800) 962-1464
eMail: | Website:
Description: Healing Unlimited is a Christian Science resource for inspiring and healing information including articles, books, music and lecture audiotapes, as well as Bible Lesson study aides and research tools for the Christian Scientist and those desiring to grow spiritually in a healing consciousness
Huntingtower School
Huntingtower School PO Box 192, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3149
phone number: +613 9807 8888
email: | Website:
Description: Huntingtower is an independent, multi-denominational, co-educational day and boarding school for some 575 primary and secondary students. It is based on the principles of Christian Science, which emphasise man's spiritual and unlimited nature. We see each child as expressing all the qualities of God, including Truth, Life and Love and as possessing infinite intelligence.
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